VinPro and Winetech are jointly funding the SA Cellar Worker of the Year-program, while Nedbank/Old Mutual are sponsoring the Cellar Worker Information Day which takes place at the end of October.
Approximately 200 cellar workers attended a series of Winetech study groups in the various districts from April to September – training that involved both theory and practical tastings. From the evaluations, 17 semi-finalists were identified and evaluated further. Three finalists will then be chosen and will receive recognition during the Cellar Worker Information Day.
Independent consultant, Santi Basson, was contracted to coordinate the project and Charl Theron presented the courses.

Sponsors during the handover function: Tommy Bezuidenhout (Old Mutual), Christo Conradie (VinPro), Daneel Rossouw (Nedbank), Santi Basson (project manager) and Gerard Martin (Winetech).