
Established and emerging wine producers, as well as role players from the cellar and marketing fields are encouraged to attend the 2015 Nedbank VinPro Information Day. Adapting to international and domestic market trends, taking wine tourism to the next level and a new strategic framework for the wine industry are some of the key aspects relating to wine businesses that will be in the spot light at the tenth annual Information Day. 

The day takes place on 22 January 2015, in a new time slot from 09:30 to 14:00 at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC). Senior economist, Nicky Weimar, will kick-start the day by giving an economic outlook for the year ahead. Guests can also look forward to an informative discussion about international wine trends, by Jancis Robinson, acclaimed international wine writer. Craig Irving, Consumer Insight Agency CEO, will provide an informed perspective on the domestic and African markets, while Francois Viljoen, VinPro consultation service manager, will give his annual overview and expectations of the 2015 harvest.

Minister Alan Winde, Western Cape Department of Agriculture, Economic Development and Tourism, will lead a discussion about agriculture as a game-changer in the economy and Alayne Reesburg, CEO of Design Capital Cape Town, will advise on how to take wine tourism to the next level. Rico Basson, VinPro CEO, will conclude the day by discussing Wine Industry Strategic Exercise (Wise), the industry’s new strategic framework. 

In response to previous capacity constraints, the Information Day has been moved to the main auditorium at the CTICC, which can accommodate a bigger audience. Guests are encouraged to register before 22 December 2014 to avoid disappointment. The complete programme and registration form are available at or from Patricia Jordaan on tel 021 276 0429 or at


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